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New faces Part 2

Posted on 13 Oct 2019 @ 3:38pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: Andromedas Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD1 19:00
1572 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously on New Faces Part 1 …..

"We'll be right there," True stated and she turned around to find Haulval staring at something. She gestured for him to keep up but when she looked back again she found him gone. True tugged on Rose's clothing and the two of them set off after him, unsure if they should be separated from the group but not wanting Haulval off by himself. True said a little prayer and hoped Jon wouldn't be reading her obituary after making this decision to follow him.

And now the continuation ……….

Rose followed True after Haulval. Although she wasn’t comfortable splitting up from the rest of the group, she was sure True knew what she was doing.

Locke smiled to himself as his "ti frè" currently in the epidermis of "Maggie" told him she and her colleague was venturing off the path. This would make things easier than he could imagine. He could sense them getting further and further lost and away from these other two.

He led the other two round a couple more twisty corridors and stated, "Hospitality," his arms opened wide towards a large circular space filled with many stalls and buildings. There was smells of food being cooked and aliens mulling about everywhere. "If you are hungry the street food over there does excellent Kirkoo fat pig," he smiled. "In fact I may get some to take back for my break."

Aidan looked around in wonder, taking in the people, watching their mannerisms, listening to the various dialects. He tilted his head ever so slightly, his attention already wandering as he caught bits and pieces of alien languages that the UT wasn't ready to process just yet.

"I could do with a bite to eat." Amelia mused and moved over to the stall. "I'll take some of that fat pig you speak of."

The man behind the stall handed some questionable looking meat on a stick. Amelia took a big bit from it and her face registered some surprise. "You know...." She got out between bits. "It's rather nice."

As she polished off the stick of meat, she looked at J'Tan. "So that takes care of food. What about something to drink?"

The alien led them through the market stalls and into what looked like a makeshift street. "Most of the good places are down here. I would recommend you go no further than the "Wa kòlè awogan"," he said mysteriously. "I have to leave now. I wish you luck in your business."

"The UT is having issues with the dialects," Aidan commented as soon as their host disappeared into the crowd, "I'm having a hard time deciphering the finer subtleties. I do recommend sticking to things we can assume are safe, and I strongly recommend not attempting the more exotic looking drinks." Even if the opposite could be true and the exotics might be safe while plain water might be a wholly different affair. "I wish we had our tricorders so we could be sure."

Amelia nodded. She looked around and became aware they were getting some looks from several people. "We seem to be getting some attention and I'm not sure that's a good.... " Her voice trailed off as she saw a flashing sign down at the far end of the stalls and started pulling Aidan with her.

As she tugged him along, the sudden jolt of movement caused his hat to fall off of his head. He tried to catch it but she was quick in tugging him down the road. Deciding it was futile to stall, he allowed himself to be dragged along.

Amelia gestured to the sign. "Look. The Black Hole bar. I think we might have found what we're looking for." She pulled Adian inside. It was rather busy with several groups milling around drinking. Still leading Aidan, she made her way to the bar.

"I think you can let go of my hand now," Aidan suggested, trying to pull his hand back, all the while glancing around the room, taking it in like he was once taught to do. Even if his service as intelligence officer had been severely short, he still considered all the training he endured to be useful. "Perhaps we should find a table, and try to blend in?"

Amelia realized she had been holding Aidan's hand and let go, choosing to clasp a friendly hand on his shoulder instead. "Sounds like a plan. Grab us a table and I'll get some drinks."

Te’Laya tending bar flashed a look at her employer sat at the back playing cards and indicated her head in the direction of the two that stuck out like a sore thumb. He chewed his cheek very briefly. "Fold gentlemen. Sorry I have some newbies need vetting."

J'Tan threw his hand down and walked over and stood next to the female. "First you need to get a drink and then you tell me who your working for or who you are looking for. Then we can talk.”

Amelia raised an eyebrow at J'Tan. "Who says we're working for anybody?" She asked, trying to keep in character. "I'm just trying to get some drinks. After that Kirkoo pig I could use a drink."

Aidan still said nothing at first, though he was clearly listening. After a few seconds, he seemed to relax just a little as he spoke up. "We want a table, and we want drinks," he said, "and if we're not being served, we'll find a place who will."

“Have you seen any pigs round here woman. You ate space weevil. Now your going to have to have a shot if you don’t want parasites growing out of all your orifices,” he told the female incredulously. “And you,” he whirled round on the stroppy looking alien teenager, “If you want a table go sit at a table. If you want drinks don’t be an arse to the bars owner. If you want to leave and I not save your companions life there’s the door.”

Te’Laya snorted. “Did you eat the space weevil too?” She asked the male. “I’m not cleaning that off one of my tables when you finish the incubating stage.”

"I haven't eaten anything," Aidan answered calmly, while looking at Amelia with a hint of concern in his eyes. "And I think we should sit." He took his boss by the arm and started to pull her towards a table. "We will have whatever kills those works, and iced water please."


"Are you lost?" a reptilian species demanded as he crossed paths with two very alien strangers.

True spun around at the sound of the voice. "No, we're following a friend. No need for any assistance, thank you." She waved off his approach and tightened her grip on Rose's arm making sure that she stayed close. "Ignore him," she whispered.

The alien made some loud hissing noises and two more appeared around the corner blocking their path. "What species are you?" he demanded.

Rose put a hand on True’s shoulder before moving to stand between her and this new threat, “You don’t need to know” she said, starring him down.

"They smell fresh," one of them hissed. "Rog can I …"

"No," the lizard alien cocked his head. "Not yet we need to know more. You will answer," he demanded.

Rose smiled, “I will not” she said, reaching to the small of her back for a knife.

True put her hand over Rose's. "We are a species who value life and we are not alone on this planet. We will find out companions and be on our way. If we don't arrive at the arranged coordinates they'll come looking for us. And I don't really think you want a snack that will come back to haunt you."

“I can assure you, no harm will come to you if you leave us be” Rose added.

That was met with loud laughter. “Your really not from around here are you.” One of them whirled round fast knocking them down at their feet with their tail as the first one, Rog raised an arm and his scales stood on edge before something shot out and impaled their necks.

Feeling a bite in her neck, Rose was about to stand up and flatten this lizard when she suddenly had no feeling from her extremities, than her limbs, than her everything, “oh shit” she said, falling forward on her her face as she blacked out.

True only had a brief thought, that if they lived, Jon was going to be very disappointed in her, before the blackness took her and she knew no more.


●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG J Haulval
Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief Security / Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Mitchell Graham
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda


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