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If you travel far enough you’ll find yourself

Posted on 10 Dec 2019 @ 3:50am by Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: The Medusa’s head, Deck 10 forward
Timeline: MD7 2200
1126 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


The XO and Aidan entered the Medusa’s head. It was getting rather late but there were still a few people spotted around the room. Amelia headed for a table. She swung her leg over the back of a chair and sat down as a waiter came over.

“Good evening Lieutenants. What can I get you?”

Amelia took a deep breath before answering “Tea..... but the strong stuff. Leave the bag in.”

"Iced water," Aidan answered, arching an eyebrow at the XO. "I thought you said you wanted a strong beverage...surely you did not mean strong tea?"

The waiter raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he nodded and turned to head for the replicator.

Amelia rubbed her temple now with her hand, much in the same way Aidan had done earlier. “A cup of tea sometimes can work wonders. Very soothing.”

The waiter returned with a tray. He placed a teapot, cup, milk and a sugar bowl on the table along with Aidans iced water.

Amelia poured a cup and added milk but no sugar. She took a sip. “Ahhh. Much better. So..... Much to talk about.”

The Trill looked on in sheer disgust as she poured milk into the brew. "Yes..." He sipped his water, watching droplets of condensated water drip down the glass. "Syvar seems to think you put that implant in me, I don't think you did. From what we just saw, I think your mirror had a hand in it. But I'm not lying when i say I don't know when exactly it happened. Because I don't remember being injected with anything."

Amelia took another sip of her tea. She found it helped focus her mind. “I happen to agree with you on that point.” She gave a wry smile. “Think hard. Did anybody have contact with you that was out of the ordinary or unusual in any way.”

Aidan closed his eyes for a few seconds. "Laemia did touch me, as if I was some kind of prize to be had," he mused, "I'm rather glad the Don held his foot down on me not being up for sale. Laemia seemed like a weasel to me, and I feel I might've been some kind of... toy to him." He shuddered at the very idea. "He did seem to have a fascination for my spots."

She thought for a moment. “The Don did say that Laemia was a pawn for someone else. It could have been his DNA that was on the implant. Do you think that’s how my mirror counterpart fits in?” She shuddered at that point. “What the hell would she be doing in our universe anyway? I’ve heard that most terrans were cold and ruthless.... Seeing other species as disposable.” She rubbed her arms and took another sip of tea to rid herself of the cold chill that ran up her spine. “Was there no one else?”

"Not that I could see... beyond miserable and malnourished slaves that jumped at Laemia's beck and call." He saw her shiver. "Yes I think it may well be your mirror but what she wants...that's anyone's guess. I suggest you be careful ma'am... just in case."

Amelia drained her cup and refilled it from the teapot. “That’s good advice at any time.” She took another sip of tea and set the cup down. “So... You said I the gym that I don’t know you very well. So enlighten me.”

Arching an eyebrow, Aidan sipped his water. "Surely, you read my file?" he asked, taking another sip. "What would you like to know?"

She brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Yes, I've read your file and it's very impressive. In the gym, I said you weren't timid and you disagreed with me, yet all the evidence in your file suggests otherwise. I see an officer who, yes, has faced suffering and loss and yet has come out stronger and more determined as a result. I see someone who is loyal to their friends and when put under pressure, digs deep and finds a resolve that they maybe he didn't know he had. Give yourself some credit Aidan. I see someone who I'm proud to serve with and even prouder to call my friend. So tell me, what have got wrong? And remember..." She added with a warm smile "You shouldn't disagree with the first officer."

Aidan offered a small smile. "Loyalty is important to me, so is family. I'm sure you read that my family is a strange one. I was raised by an Andorian after my parents were killed, and I was formally adopted into a Reman family a few years ago. My wife is Human, my late husband was Talarian. And I have a very alien pet though to me he is so much more than just a pet."

Amelia smiled back at him. "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about in that department."

"Some bonds do go deeper than blood," the Trill agreed, "aside from the fact that besides my unborn child, I have no blood relatives left. I'm happy though, happier than I've ever been and I'm looking forward to being a father. I just wish wasn't such a trouble magnet, if you know what I mean."

Amelia nodded. "I do, but someone wise once said you gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

"I suppose..." Aidan sighed softly as he sipped his water again.

Amelia finished her tea. “It’s getting late and I have the morning watch on the bridge.” She stood. “I enjoyed our talk. You’ll have to come over for dinner sometime or at the very least a poker game.”

"Ahhh I'm an open book ma'am, poker is something I can't play. I'd never win a hand, but I'll gladly take the dinner invitation" He smiled, a little more genuinely now. "Good night ma'am."

She wagged a finger at him. “How many times do I have to tell you. No Ma’am’s. Especially off duty. Good night Aidan.”

"Good night ma'am," Aidan replied, returning his attention to his water for just a few minutes longer.

As she walked out Amelia shook her head and sighed to herself. At least one more time she thought to herself.


●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda


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