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To free a Fox

Posted on 03 Mar 2020 @ 6:08am by Commander Amelia Fox & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov & Ensign Gwen Leighton

Mission: Mission 3 - Whom gods destroy ...
Location: Villanueva
Timeline: MD 4 2200
1157 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Holding cell, Villanueva

Amelia was studying the circuitry behind the door locking panel. She still had the knife and it was hovering over the exposed wire as she searched for the right one to cut. She was thinking to herself that it looked like one of Lilura's repair jobs. Crossed wires everywhere. One thing she was certain of was that if she cut the wrong wire, the system was designed to short out and lockdown so the door would be sealed. And that would be no help at all.
She sent a brief prayer heavenward. "If you're still up there Andromeda... I could use some help right about now."

USS Andromeda

Aidan stormed into the captain's ready room. "I know where to find her," he said, "captain I have to go down there." Despite his aversion to away missions, there was a resolve in his eyes that wasn't to be messed with. "I have to," he repeated.

Jon looked up and set his eyes on the Trill. It wasn’t worth pointing out decorum right now but sure as hell this barging in and out wasn’t becoming a thing.

“Get to it then. Saves me having to go back and have a further conversation with “that woman” and she’s given me enough to try sort out.”

He held the padd up she had given some information on and handed it to him. “Eyes only at present Lieutenant.,” he told him firmly.

The Trill's eyes widened in horror. "You've got to be kidding," he muttered, "we better destroy that thing while we're down there."

“Negative Lieutenant. I’m currently involved in plenty of conversations about what HQ want to do about that. Those are dormant. The one or ones,” he grimaced, “we need to worry about are the ones the Cetea have, sold to them by our fake XO. Focus on your objective."

Aidan simply nodded.

“Keep it clean, no unnecessary risks. You take Leighton and Belikov if she’s on the mend with you. I don’t want anyone else shot or infected. Go get our XO.”

"I'll do my best sir," the science chief promised, "Belivok may want a chance at revenge sir.."

“As my second officer I expect you to ensure there’s no rash idiotic revenge. We already have one senior officer lost down there. I do not want any more or any further complications. You get in, find our Fox and get out. No other objectives,” Jon reiterated.

“Oh and Aidan when you get back,” Jon called after the Trill, “we need to have a little chat about your impending offspring with the other version of Fox.”

"I think she's lying sir," Aidan answered firmly, "we can talk but I won't acknowledge any child she bears." He paused then tapped his comm badge. "Belikov and Leighton, meet me in the transporter room. Bring your tactical gear."

Transporter Room

Walking into the transporter room, Rose was carrying her tactical gear and phaser in one hand and a few pieces of Intel gear along with a field medkit in the other. This time she was going to be prepared for anything and everything. Her leg still felt a little strange, but the doctors had assured her that it would be fine.

Not in possession of proper tactical gear, Aidan was armed only with his phaser and a tricorder. He had debated taking Sherlock but with his injured wing, it was best he stayed home. Besides, he was well aware of the captain's aversion to 'a pet going on missions'. "Right, this is a rescue mission," he told them both, "we go in, we get Lieutenant Fox, and we go out. Don't get caught up in other affairs, this is our objective, and nothing else. Questions?"

"No distractions, got it." Gwen slung her rifle over her shoulder, "I can do that."

Since there were no questions, Aidan ushered the two women up onto the transporter pad and instructed the transporter operator to beam them down. "Weapons at ready," the Trill ordered, drawing his own phaser with one hand while opening his tricorder with the other. "I think it's best if one of you leads the way," he suggested. "I am, after all, but a simple science chief." Well not exactly as he did have intel training but he didn't want to take anything away from the two women, and thus opted to take a secondary place in this team by downplaying his own abilities.

taking out a phaser, Rose stepped forward to the head of the group, "well than, which way Lieutenant? Ensign, take the rear position and watch out backs"

Gwen nodded, "Can do."

"That way," Aidan pointed as he studied his tricorder. "Get ready for a firefight, I'm reading two armed guards."

As if on que, two Son'a came round the corner and froze, seeing the Starfleet officers. Instantly they both reached for their weapons.

Reacting almost immediately, Rose began to fire towards the two Son’a “cover now!” She called, moving to the closest piece of cover near her.

With her back safe Gwen kept her phaser rifle trained on the guards out front while keeping a regulated check on where they'd come from, "I got you! Let's take care of these pratts." Between her and Rose they were able to hold their own with the guards.

In her Cell, Amelia heard the Son'a weapons fire and also the sound of Starfleet phasers. She called out. "I'M IN HERE!"

With the two women dealing with the guards, Aidan crouched and hurried past them towards the origin of the cry for help. "Step back," he told the woman inside before firing his phaser at the lock until it exploded and the door swung open. "We have to hurry, before more guards come."

Amelia had recognized Aidan's voice and stood away from the door. As it opened she rushed forward, knife ready. "Come on, Let's get out of here."

Amelia followed Aidan back to the other two. "Boy, am I glad to see some friendly faces." Amelia said to Aidan, Rose and Gwen." A disruptor blast struck the wall near here. She said wryly "Although I've enjoyed my stay here, I think calling for a beam out would be a good idea right about now."

"What no souvenirs?" Gwen tapped her badge and called it in, "Four to beam up. We've got what we came for."


●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

● Ensign Gwen Leighton
Apprentice Chief Security / Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
Second Officer
USS Andromeda

●●●● Captain Jonathan Reynolds
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda


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