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What the hell were you thinking?

Posted on 03 Nov 2020 @ 2:48am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds

Mission: R&R - after facing the Planet Killer
Location: Verns temporary quarters
Timeline: R&R day 2
1815 words - 3.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Charlotte was not happy. She had requested where he was from the computer and it had taken her 2 days to work up the nerve to walk there.

Amazingly Jon had not summoned her yet for the breach of protocol using his command channel. She and Eddie were going to get it in the neck at some point she knew and she needed to know if he had even been worth the effort.

That one night had been incredible. She had thought she had connected not just sexually but intelligently with another man and he had turned out to be another captain who nearly killed himself.

She finally pressed the chime. He was having a conversation whether he liked it or not, she was determined.

Vern rose from his spot, unshaven, out of uniform, he felt so completely different now that his ship was gone. He still felt it was the right thing to do despite what Captain Reynolds had said. Rather than just call out he reached the door and tapped the panel beside it. "Charlotte." Vern replied, surprised to see her given their cold ending to the conversation they'd been having when he'd destroyed his ship. "Uh, please come in." He stepped aside to let her through.

She stepped in and promptly slapped him. “Captain ... your a captain .... and ...... “ She demanded. “Captains don’t just sleep with someone and it mean nothing. They have more integrity than that .... and what the hell were you thinking ... out there or was that it? You wanted to die ....”

The thought just dawned on her as she stared at him. Realisation was all over her face now ... “that’s it isn’t it? I was nothing. Just a quick fling while you .... your that unhappy ....”

He had expected to get yelled at but the slap was a surprise. He closed his eyes for a second, reigning in any anger. He wasn't sure words were going to be enough. "Yes, I'm a Captain, I didn't think it important to tell you at the time. Would that have made a difference? It's my rank and position, not who I am. Although, after this who knows if I will retain it . . . And I wasn't trying to kill myself, I'm sorry I was short with you but I hadn't expected to get interrupted while I was trying to save everyone's lives." he reached for her, hoping she had calmed down enough now to be held. "I don't have flings, I assure you I fall easily and deeply in love. I lost someone it took me a long time to get over her death, until you crashed in front of me."

“My last relationship was a captain, my divorce in fact ...” the anger was starting to wain into sheer horror and a tiny bit of amusement at how the universe had aligned ...”your Trues brother aren’t you? Crashed into you, is that what happened? You we’re lost and you kissed me first mister.

I liked you so kissed you back and ....” she looked a little sheepish as his cheek was a little red now, “if I didn’t like you still, I wouldn’t be here. It’s irrelevant of rank.”

She pulled him close suddenly and kissed him as if trying to convince him of that point. Pulling back to catch her breath again she had to come clean before it went any further. If it went any further.

“It’s just ... it was a shock especially as I’m Jon’s ex wife,” she stated watching him carefully.

Well she mused, she guessed they would really find out where things landed on rank and position now. She bet he had heard lots of horrible things about her. That he would run now, so not to complicate his sisters life.

"Oh, you know True? She does like meeting people. I was the shy one in the family, always chasing after the other two to make them realize the dangers of life." Vern smiled at the kiss, so happy she had calmed down. Her words sort of went over his head before they sank in. "You're uh . . . Jon's ex-wife?"

She looked down and nodded. "So where does that leave things then?"

"Right where we were I suppose, it's just going to make family dinners really awkward. Not that they weren't already. Maybe you and I should sit down. Have a meal and get to know each other a bit more?"

"I'd like that," Charlotte said. "Very much."

"No time like the present," she added suddenly, worried he was going to change his mind.

"Have a seat, I'm afraid I can't offer you more than generic quarters. But the replicator works, hopefully. What's your favorite meal?"

“I ...Ermmm I really don’t know any more. I used to like a lot of Betaziod food but since ... well no longer being part of that society ....” she rambled. “Oh you don’t know do you? Jon’s family very high in society. It’s a different world.

What’s your favourite meal?” She asked, “introduce me to something new. Clearly I need to try new things.”

"I'm not that adventurous to tell you the truth, not when it comes to food. I mostly prefer Earth food though I am fond of a few Betazoid dishes and I love Bajoran food, their spices are just phenomenal. I could make us a good Kava stew?" He moved toward the replicator. "Oh, where are my manners, can I get you something to drink?"

“I’ve never had Kava stew,” she smiled. “A glass of wine?” She answered. “What goes good with Kava stew?”

"Anything," Vern grinned. "We could try some Bajoran spring wine, it's pretty good, but light?" He waited for her say so before pushing the buttons. "And after this I think we should just sit and talk. I usually don't move quite so fast." He was actually a bit ashamed of the way he'd behaved, not that Charlotte had tried to stop him.

"Yes lets try some spring wine," she agreed. "And its happened now. I wouldn't worry on looking like you rushed into things. Perhaps that's just what you needed anyway. To get back out there."

Vern snorted but didn't argue. Certainly wasn't how he saw things happening in his life but she was right, it had happened, there was no use pretending that it hadn't. "How long were you married?" Vern asked curiously, hoping the subject was something she didn't mind talking about.

"Far too long. About 12 years. I got pregnant with Eddie at the academy in my second year. Jon's family applied a lot of pressure to get married and I ended up dropping out," she stated.

"Jon's mother needed the houses position and standing to be kept pristine in Betaziod societies eyes. A child out of wedlock would have been very bad," she informed him.

"Hmmm . . . ." Vern said, thinking about it. "Well, we all make mistakes. Moving on. Uh, since we're being honest with each other I lost someone a few months ago, someone I was in love with. Her name was Lily and I ordered her to her death. It's been eating at me and I was temporarily taken off assignment." He said, though he wasn't looking at Charlotte when he did.

"Im sorry you went through that and it makes a lot of sense now why you were so willing to you know throw yourself into that line of action ..." Charlotte said slowly. "I guess your not over her yet. I hope that I can help you forgive yourself and move forward."

"Nah," he rubbed his face. "That had nothing to do with it. It felt like the best course of action to me and so I took it. Reckless, maybe, but it worked. I wasn't trying to kill or harm myself," he said again, hoping she understood that he was not the type of man to run off in order to avoid feeling things.

Charlotte wasn't convinced. "Did you talk to someone and work through the lily situation?"

"Only about a million counselors," He smiled. "Trust me. I'm all talked out on it. I only mentioned it so you'd know. Didn't want to keep something from you, that's all."

Deep down she still didn't know whether to believe that. Was she now if they got together properly to be held up against someone who had died. She envied her ex husband and son in the respect they could sense emotions sometimes.

"Okay then," she said. "Thank you for telling me."

She sipped her wine not sure what to say next.

"You're welcome," he was watching her face, trying to figure out what she might be thinking or feeling but he had no more luck than she did. "Right, dinner." He placed the Kava stew on the table with some fresh bread, dished her up a bowl. "Where did you grow up again? On Earth I mean?"

"I was born in France on the outskirts of Paris actually and I lived there till I was ten. Then we moved to England. The Capital, for my dads work. My maiden name was Morlet," she explained. "Sometimes I think I should go back to that."

"Have you ever been to Paris?" she asked.

"No, once we moved to Earth, we pretty much stayed in Alaska. Even when I was at the Academy I never traveled much. And I think you should use whatever name you like."

She nodded. "I may go back after Eddies is of age. I don't want to end up dragged into any Betaziod things and it be awkward," she said. "I think I will have to take you to Paris. Well a holo version," she grinned.

"Sure, sounds lovely," he smiled. "I've heard things about it. I guess I preferred to see the stars rather than places that normal people liked to visit." He shrugged. He bit his lip for a moment. "Charlotte? I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen, I mean with Starfleet. I intend to stay on Andromeda for a while, but with my ship no longer existing there's going to be an inquiry."

"I imagine so," Charlotte said. "Well I will try support you through that best I can."

That wasn't why he'd brought it up. He didn't want things to disappoint her in case he wasn't able to remain here for as long as he'd like. But, he just smiled. "I think we should have an official date. We kinda started things off backwards."

"Thats sounds lovely," she brightened. "What do you have in mind?"

"Would you like to see Alaska? Not literally of course, I mean I can't just beam there but we can use the holodeck. Have some dinner as the sky is darkening, take a moonlit stroll on the beach?"

She nodded. It sounded terribly romantic. "Yes please."


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