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Going Down

Posted on 30 Mar 2021 @ 2:16am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Ensign Gwen Leighton & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 5 - Season of the Witch?
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Before "The Cure"
1225 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Rita, disguised as her Security character, made her way down to Sickbay. She had spent enough time with the crew to know which names to drop in order to make her story plausible. Now she just hoped it worked. PADD in hand she scrolled over the cargo request. The goal was to get the doctor to sign off on the extra planetary supplies and she was to escort it down.

Entering Sickbay Rita looked about. Seeing the doctor she made her way over, "Ensign Syvar?" She held the PADD out, "I was told to get your eyes on this to ensure we aren't missing anything for the next shuttle departure."

Ensign? Syvar looked up at the newcomer, a young woman he didn't recognize. "Most call me doctor," he corrected her, somewhat gently as he accepted the PADD. "And I do prefer to be addressed as such." Truth was, he couldn't recall being called ensign at any given time, especially not while on duty in sickbay. "Is there anything specific you'd like me to look for in case I miss it?" he asked, turning his eyes towards the document that was given to him. "Anything specific that should be on there, just in case?"

"Apologies," Rita said with a sheepish wince, "Doctor, I was told to ensure we wouldn't need a second trip. With people adults acting like children there's much larger..." she paused, " boo's. I think they've thought of everything, but I'm not in medical so I take most of this stuff for granted."

"I don't know what boo boos are," Syvar replied as he scanned the list, "but I'll have this put together for you shortly. Was there anything else you need? I can have this brought to the transporter room." The thought of beaming down himself played through his mind but he wasn't going to risk his career again by going against orders.

"No," Rita shrugged, "I leave it to your discretion. It just needs your signature on it and I can get it on down there."

Nodding, Syvar signed off on the order and handed the PADD back to her. "I'll have it sent to the transporter room for you."

"Wait," Rita stopped herself, "Earlier I'd mentioned shuttle departure, I don't know where we switched to transporter." She gave the Vulcan a smirk, "I think you're confused. An odd thing for Vulcan to be."

Syvar scratched his head at.the correction and offered a sheepish smile. "You're quite right ma'am," he said, "I'm sorry I'm not all here I'm afraid. My wife is down there and she's..not well and I can't go." He sighed. "I'll get it to the shuttle."

"You can't go?" Rita looked about sickbay, "We aren't short staffed. That seems rather cruel. What's to stop you from coming down with me?"

"Orders stop me," Syvar said slowly, "I'm told not to go down and since I'm on thin ice with command already I'd rather not risk my career." He offered a small smile. "I'll get this to you in the shuttle bay. Give me fifteen minutes?"

"You're in quite the impossible situation," Rita said, "See you in the shuttle bay."

== Fifteen minutes later ==

Syvar walked into the shuttle bay, a large case in his arms. "This is most of what you need, the rest will be transported here shortly," he said.

Rita cocked her head towards the shuttle, "That's the one. If you wouldn't mind adding it to the pile and staying with it," She motioned for him to go first, "I'll wait for the other cases and bring them along."

"I have a few minutes to spare," the Vulcan acknowledged, moving over towards the shuttle and carrying the case inside. If it was so important, he'd make sure it was on the shuttle. Setting it down, he then straightened and headed back towards the hatch.

Rita appeared with two other smaller crates in her arms, "Are these the last of them?" She asked while offering them to him to take from her grasp, "If you can put these down I'll just mark them onto the log and then get ready for take off." Her mind was busy. How was she going to keep the Vulcan on the shuttle? Oh, how she'd wished she'd kept a phaser at her side.

Syvar nodded, accepting the crate to put it with the others inside the shuttle. Within seconds he returned to the hatch and prepared to hop out. "Is something wrong?" He asked as he took note if her thoughtful expression.

"Uhm..."Rita shrugged, "I have a small …conundrum..."

The hard kick in his head hit him completely by surprise knocking the Vulcan completely unconscious. "Yes .... " Sian said simply. "She's under pressure from an unknown organization to become a colony spy and you doctor ... are taking far to long.

Jeez Vulcans, so heavy" she groused indicating she grab his other side as they dragged him into the shuttle.

Rita grabbed his other side, "Now that went better than I could have ever managed." They tucked the Vulcan under one of the benches and tied him up to ensure he didn't get damaged during take off or landing, "He almost looks comfortable." She leaned down and quietly whispered into his ear, "You'll be with your wife soon."

"I've programmed it to land you down there further away than the first shuttles. I've also placed a fake transfer into the colony files making it out as you transferred over but it will go live when everyone's back up here I'll see to that. Go find somewhere to lay low for a couple of days and then show up claiming you were affected by the spores, kidnapped by one of the traders or something. Believable. You have a whole new life. Your new name is Jessica. Here," she handed her a PADD, some rations and a phaser. "I will work on some explanation why your no longer onboard."

"Oh and if he starts stirring inject him with this it will keep him knocked out," the Blond added handing her a hypo spray. "Stay safe. I gotta go figure out a diversion now for the bridge. Hopefully one of those traders picked up my coded message and will initiate contact with them again, keeping eyes off your launch."

"Thank you Sian," Rita took a deep breath, letting out the pent up anxiety, "I guess I've got a lot to learn about taking a hostage." She took the hypo and glanced over at the Vulcan, "This I can handle. And, if you have any issues with the bridge let me know. Should I wait for your signal to take off?" Taking her seat at the helm she rotated the chair and looked back.

"I'll give you a signal," Sian said simply. "Stay safe. That Dragos is slippery and I haven't sussed out who he is representing yet. Do what he says okay. For now. We need to learn more about what he's playing at. We will stay in touch. I managed to Jerri rig this device he gave us with a frequency just for us."

Rita nodded, "I'll await your signal and look forward to, well I mean that is, Jessica looks forward to being in touch."


NPC Gwen Leighton


NPC Jonathan Reynolds

Ensign Syvar
pnpc Aidan


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