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Amelia's rain of fire!

Posted on 11 Dec 2021 @ 6:15pm by Commander Amelia Fox & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Ensign Adam Morgan & Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: USS Andromeda, Main Bridge / Spice baron's lair
1550 words - 3.1 OF Standard Post Measure


The Andromeda emerged through an identical gateway in a different part of space. Nearby was a planet.

On the bridge, Amelia continued the grip the arms rest of the Captain's chair periodically. "Report! Where the hell are we?"

"Uhm..." Aidan scanned his readings for something tangible to report. "Sensors say about twenty lightyears from our original position ma'am.." He paused and looked up. "I guess that planet is our destination?"

Cassie was sat next to Commander Fox in the Command area and it had not gone unnoticed that from time to time Amelia would, almost spasmodically tighten her grip on the armrests of the Captain's Chair. She already knew what was happening but in the same breath did not want to stop Amelia... After all, it could take some time. Instead, she kept her peace but tucked the medical kit she ad brought with her to the bridge under her own chair, just in case. Thankfully the rest of the bridge crew were too preoccupied with the swelling rescue mission to notice.

Amelia took another deep breath "Ok! Put us in standard orbit and scan for our people, though I doubt it's going to be as easy as just beaming them out of there.

The Trill nodded, slender fingers dancing across the concole. "I'm reading several structures," he reported, "but there's some kind of metallic alloy there that's preventing more accurate scans. I can't see inside the building, it's like we're being deflected somehow. I wouldn't risk transporting, if we can't see inside."

Amelia frowned and gritted her teeth for a moment "Open a channel, all subspace bands. This is Commander Fox of the USS Andromeda. We have come for the safe return of the crew members you abducted. Respond!"

Kren appeared on the viewscreen. "That's quite a demand." He said with a smile then paused as he studied the image. "Wait a minute, what are you doing there?"

Amelia smiled inwardly to herself. He thinks I'm Mirror Fox! Might as well play on that, she thought. blew air through her lips as she gripped the armrests of the Captain's chair again. "Look! I don't have time for this. I have enough firepower on this ship to reduce that planet you're on to a smoking cinder. Now you're going to return our people unharmed and I'll overlook this transgression this time, otherwise, I'm going to take our people by force while the sky falls down around you."

Despite himself, a flicker of concern crossed Kren's face. "You don't have the balls! You'll be killing your own people"

Amelia glared back at him "Try me! I know they'd rather be dead than your slaves now you've got one minute to decide!" then called over her shoulder "Arm all phasers and photon torpedos and prepare to fire!"

Cassies, still relatively new to this kind of situation, tensed in her chair, squeezing her own armrests just a fraction tighter than the moment before, she was also fully aware that Commander Fox needed to be in sickbay but right now she had to be here.

Kren studied her for a moment, then burst out laughing. "I like you, Commander Fox, can I call you Amelia? Your Mirror counterpart doesn't like it when I use her first name." Then off her reaction "Yes, I know you're not her, she did warn me about you but you remind me of her. Same temper. Tell you what. Fine, you can have your people back but I want to be able to continue trading without interference from the Federation.... And I want you to come down and join for dinner tomorrow evening."

"Fine." Amelia shot back, then it registered what he had said. "Wait... What? Dinner?"

"Excellent. I'll make preparations. Don't Disappoint me, Amelia Fox. Give me a few minutes to round up your people and I'll send you their coordinates. That's also where you can beam down tomorrow evening." He snapped his fingers to someone off-screen.

"Until tomorrow then My dear." He added with a grin before closing the channel.

"Commander, I have the coordinates of our people. Strangely they are not even trying to hinder us in any way." Harper replied as she made sure her count was right. There was also the part at the back of her mind that would later insist on her accompanying Amelia down to the surface. She was XO, and just as important as the Captain in Harpers eyes.

Amelia let out a sigh of relief, then gripped the arms of the Captain's chair again, having to bit her bottom lip to stop any sound escaping from her mouth. After a moment she added. "That's good news. Lock-on and beam them directly to the bridge.

Jon staggered once he dematerialised. The amount of times they had fired off that agoniser in a short period, he could still feel it tingling in his teeth.

He held his arm out to help steady Hawkins who through his empathic senses he had had the sheer delight of experiencing both his and Morgan's pain too.

"Report number one,"

Morgan looked around after the sudden rip away from the alien ship back to the Andromeda's bridge and he felt really queezy so he wanted to fall but felt the hand from his captain holding him upwards. Morgan looked around and felt the agonizer still implanted into his chest. He could feel the thing and wasn't sure when it would go off again. He overheard Hawkins and the others around him as tried to stand his ground.

Michael blinked as he gazed about at where they were at. He felt a bit befuddled. "Okay... what the heck? How, what?"

M'tara looked around and then she noticed a certain scent in the air, someone was about to give birth, and she looked right at Amelia. "She's getting ready to have her baby!"

Michael's eyes widened hearing this, his adopted sister was going to have her baby. His head was spinning a bit with all that has been happening. He made a move to go towards her but quickly decided, he didn't want to fall to the floor in front of her, or the others.

Amelia stood, relieved to see the Captain and the rest of their crew alive and well. She went over and embraced the Captain. "It's good to see you're ok Captain but now I think we should go to sickbay." She added.

"Yes we need immediate removal of 4 agonisers,"

"Not that... It's just..." She suddenly was holding on to him for support "I've been having contractions for the last 30 minutes or so and..." a shudder ran through her as her cheeks turned red "And my waters just broke."

"I was wondering what you had done to my chair," Jon said casting his eye on the centre seat.

"You come with me, Commander!" Cassie said as she moved forward, taking Amelia by the arm and starting to guide her from the bridge. "I wouldn't sit down sir... I think her waters went while she was in your chair!"

Aidan frowned as things unfolded. "Then she's definitely not going down to meet that criminal for dinner," he stated quietly, "if she's about to have a baby there's no way she can..."

M'tara growled out, "You.. she... no no no she can't go see that man, he is vile and I am going kill him if I can get my hands on him!"

"Okay," Jon said a little louder and more authoritative. "I know that's the stress talking M'tara. No one is killing anyone. Please attend to the XO in helping her down to sickbay and then you need to be checked out too, as us 3," he looked at Morgan and Hawkins. "When the XO is in a fit state we will speak about this situation and look at next steps."

M'tara nodded, "Yes, Captain you are right, I am sorry." lowering her head. She had a contrite look in her eyes. The captain was right and she felt mollified at allowing the stress get to her. M'tara moved over to where she could assist Amelia to get her down to sickbay. "C'mon, let's get you to where you can have that beautiful baby born."

Hawkins nodded towards Jon, "Aye Captain, we definitely need to talk about this.

Jon nodded. "Well I will first with the XO. Can you when we are released again Hawkins get someone to decom and fix up the chairs? I mean I have nothing against babies and families on my boat but I do prefer my chair waters free."

Michael cracked a pained grin. "I'll make certain that is taken care of. May have to completely redo the chair, things like that tend to have a lingering scent to it. Something that my sister's husband told me. One of my nieces had decided to arrive in their vehicle."


Commander Amelia Fox
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda

Ensign M'Tara Kuroka
Medical Officer
USS Andromeda (NPC-Hawkins)

Lt. Commander Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Cassandra Higgins
Ships Counsellor, USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief of Intelligence
USS Andromeda

Ensign Harper Matthews
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda


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