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Somebody's ready to pop!

Posted on 03 Jan 2022 @ 8:59pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After Amelia's rain of fire!
2942 words - 5.9 OF Standard Post Measure


With Cassandra's help, Amelia walked into sickbay. "Hey Doc, Little one is on her way." She said, in between panting for breath. "Could someone get Syvar in here please? I Don't think he's going to want to miss this."

She looked at Cassandra "Thanks for your help........ Ohhhhhh!" She suddenly paused and squeezed her hand rather hard "That was a big one. Doc! Got a feeling someone in here is getting impatient to meet everyone."

Jon winced as he was holding on to Hawkins, who was also suffering from the agonisers still, but now it seemed he was experiencing giving birth again.

Michael reached out and grabbed onto the Captain both men supporting each other, he winced as well as the captain had quite the strong grip and seemed to be experiencing the birthing pains. "Hang in there captain." he grunted out.

C'Tora looked up at the number of people coming in for treatment as he came out of the supply room. " Alright team, We're needed right now. Nurses start triage and get supplies ready! alright Doctors let's do what we do best!! "

Cassie winced at the force Amelia was exerting on her hand and prayed she wouldn't hear any breaking bones. She contained herself through Amelia's contraction and once it started to subside she extracted her hand and tapped her Combadge. "Higgins to Syvar... You may want to get to sickbay... Someone is on the way!"

Even as the summons was sent, the Vulcan doctor was already busting through the doors at a full run. His face was flushed, his green eyes wide with a mix of discomfort, joy and concern. "I'm here, I'm here!" he announced, wildly looking around to locate his mate.

Once the call was placed Cassie moved around Amelia sliding her into a medical gown and expertly removing her uniform without compromising the First Officer's dignity while the Doctor and his team got things ready.
"There, that's better. Now, up on to the biobed... Do you want me to stay?"

"Yes, please. I'm very grateful for your help." Amelia managed to get out before another contraction hit.

"Amelia!" Syvar called once he had located his mate, rushing towards her side. "Are you alright?" His face contorted as another contraction seemed to hit her. "Ooffff," he grunted, already regretting he didn't have his gloves on the moment he had made a grab for her hand.

Though still in pain, Amelia relaxed somewhat. "Hello, my love. I'm ok! It's the real thing this time."

C'Tora stepped out of his office door and took a look at the situation and grabbed the medkit he kept next to the door. and went straight to the biobed. " Ladies and gentlemen, please step back and give the lady some privacy or vacate the area. " He checked his tricorder and chuckled. " Contractions are ranging from twelve to twenty five seconds apart, I don't expect this to be a very long labor. "He looked to Syvar. " You know my father told me that being involved with the birthing process is very important for both the mother and father. " C'Tora sidestepped away from Amelia. Come on over Syvar, You and your mate should be the first to meet your newborn. If any complications come up I will step in and take over, I am here for you my friend."

Amelia gritted her teeth "That's easy for you to say!"

Gently, Syvar patted her hand, and reached to wipe her brow. "Shhhh," he tried to soothe, though in truth he was honestly at a loss on what to say. Though he had helped with a birth before, to be on the other end of the equation was something else and he had no idea what to do now.

"Uggggg," Jon said as he and the other 2 men stood nervously at the side not sure what to do and waiting for someone to check them over.

"How do women do this?"

Morgan watched as the miracle was taking place and had to wonder the same thing after the question was asked. He thought about it, but more, he wanted the damned agonizer out of him. He could feel the pain come back to him for slight second as all was happening around him.

C'Tora's ears twitched as he heard the question and answered without looking away from the birthing. " How do they do it? " He repeated. " Reproduction is the most profound expression of love between a male and female, So your answer is they do it out of love of course and with no regrets. The pain is quickly replaced with joy and love, I've witnessed that with my parents watching the birth of my six younger siblings. " He glanced up briefly and took stock of the condition of the men. " Will the doctors and nurses not involved with the birthing please take care of these gentlemen please? And let me know what their symptoms are ASAP please."

M'tara who had been there with the other men, and having helped bring Amelia in, she could only smile slightly hearing the birthing process. She had stepped away not feeling that she should be a part of it. When she heard the call of her husband and she quietly directed the staff there to help herself, Jon, Morgan and Michael out. They suffered more than what she did, as the the awful men on that planet didn't want to do damage to her, but took too much pleasure in hurting Jon, Michael and Morgan.

"Here lets go over here and get you taken care of." she said quietly to the three men.

"I'm the one having the baby here!" Amelia called out through clenched teeth. OHHHHHHH! she moaned before letting loose a rather lengthy string of vulgarities in Klingon and clamping down on Syvars hand like a vice. "Is she out yet? Please tell me she's out!"

Seeing Syvar was unable to move, C'Tora smiled as he saw the baby crowning. " Her head and one shoulder is out, I think one move good push.." He helped gently extract the baby on the next push. He held the child and gave a light tap on her rear and the baby began to cry. " Clamps and after pan please. " The nurse brought the requested items and with the cord clamped, C'Tora cut the cord with the laser scalpel and handed the infant to the nurse. " Please clean her up and bring her back to her parents, I think they'd really like to meet her. " The nurse smiled. " I would be delighted to Doctor. " The baby was cleaned up and put into a pink diaper and pink hair bow and brought back and handed to Amelia. " We'll leave the three of you alone to get to know each other better. " C'Tora walked away towards the waiting group to help out with the extraction of the agonizers.

Syvar winced as his hand was all but crushed, feeling the waves of agony as though they were his own. He breathed a sigh of relief when finally their little girl was born, and Amelia let go of the vice like grip on his hand. Carefully, and covertly so she didn't see, he flexed his fingers a few times. Tears welled up in his eyes as the nurse finally brought their newborn daughter over, and placed her in Amelia's arms. "She's beautiful," he whispered, reaching to lightly run his fingers over slightly slanted eyebrows, and delicately pointed ears. When he rested his fingers against her tiny hand, she gripped them in reflex, and brought them up to her mouth. "I think she's hungry..."

Amelia thanked the nurse as she placed the baby to her breast who immediately started to suckle. She looked up at Syvar "She is beautiful, just like her father. I love you." She gently stroked the baby's head as she fed. "Hello there, Aethra."

"Aethra," the young doctor echoed happily, the rescuees that had come in almost at the same time as he had, already forgotten. "I will show her to the others, once she is fed, so you can rest and recover," he suggested quietly.

"Congratulations!" M'tara cried out, and then went back to tending to the hurts of the men. She had placed Jon on another bio bed for him to get sorted out. "This should help you out, Sir." she said to Jon, as the ministering medics were taking out the agonizers which had been implanted, and were applying the appropriate doses of pain medications.

Michael and Morgan were also guided to other bio beds, while a privacy screen was drawn around the happy parents of the newborn child. They needed their privacy as well.

C'Tora walked over to M'Tara and touched her arm and then pulled her into an embrace and gently rubbed his nose against hers. He stepped back and looked at her. " Are you hurt? " He asked with concern in his voice as he noticed some blood on her fur. He inhaled the scent of the blood. " Ahh.. Good. The scent isn't your blood. " He said as the look of concern on his face was relieved somewhat. " What happened? Who took you and why? " He asked M'Tara.

"I woke up to find myself in a strange place, with the Captain, Hawkins and Morgan and from what I could tell we were or had been sold by those two people who we helped out" she responded, her voice slightly shaky. " I don't know who they were, the ones who wanted the captain and the other two, to work in the mines and me well.. I was..." she drew in a breath or two before M'Tara continued. "Supposed to be one of the men's concubine

C'Tora's ears went flat, his eyes narrowed and tail froze in place. They didn't hurt you in any way did they? For they're sake they better not have, because in this aspect I don't share my mate with anyone. " He said in a low throaty growl. " We'll talk about this more after we get home tonight, but right now it looks like I have work to do. If you want you can either go back to our quarters or nap in my office. I just want you to rest a bit after your ordeal. "

"I still need to be here, then I will go home soon enough." M'tara stated firmly. to her husband's retreating back.

Michael was grateful when the medicine was applied to him, but he was more worried about the Captain, since he took more punishment than he or Morgan did.

C'Tora walked over with tricorder in hand actively scanning the three and stopped in front of the Captain. " By the gods!! What did those barbarians do to you. I'm reading muscle and nerve damage. I can repair it but it's going to take and hour or two, What the hell happened down there? "

"We were fitted with their version of agonisers," Jon said. "They lived up to the job unfortunately."

M'tara moved over to where Oliver, Harper and Victor were. "Hello, Let me help out here. Its a madhouse right now isn't it?" giving a toothy smile. For the moment, she'd forgotten that she still was wearing her clothing from when she was kidnapped but she did have a lab coat over it now. "I can do a quick scan of you and then you can leave."

Victor looked at the white female Caitian then shook his head, "Uh sorry Doctor, I'm going to wait until the head doctor is ready to run the examination." and that was all he was going to say about it, it would be up for his boss to determine what was to be done, besides, the female caitian maybe needing to go home and get cleaned up. He did hear that Doctor C'Tora Kuroka had told her to go home, and she wasn't gong yet. He cast a glance towards Oliver and Harper wondering what should be done here.

"Is that Jon ... . I mean Captain Reynolds?" Oliver asked.

From behind the privacy screen, Syvar could still hear what was going on in main sickbay. He cast Amelia an apologetic smile, kissed her cheek and touched the baby's cheek with his fingers. "I'm needed out there... but I promise I'll be back soon..." He turned and stepped through. "If you all have agonizers, then you need to get them out as soon as possible," he spoke, raising his voice to be heard. "Trust me... you don't want to be left with those things." His left hand went to his side, where he still had the tiny scar from when his was placed, and removed. "If anyone understands how you feel, it's me," he added, turning his head towards C'Tora. "I can help," he offered, feeling duty had to come before family in this instance.

C'Tora glanced over his shoulder at Syvar. " Thank you, the help is appreciated. First let's get these agonizers out and then the Captain is going to need some attention, It should take the two of us about an hour regenerating the nerve and muscle damage that was inflicted upon him. " He turned to a nearby nurse. " Give the Captain 15ml of Hyrdocortilene for the pain and we'll be with him in a few minutes."

C'Tora called out. " M'Tara please assist me with the Captain. " As he began to remove the agonizer from the base of the neck.

"That bad ehh?" Jon quipped as whatever they had injected him with started making a dent in the pain. He wasn't sure if he had seen Harper and Oliver or imagined it. Either way the idea she was nearby was comforting. The idea Oliver was here alone, there had certainly not been a baby was not so much.

M'Tara made a slight grimace, " You took far more damage than what the others did, Captain. It seemed that man, that horrid man, he took too much pleasure in dong what he did to you. You withstood it magnificently but, sir. Just...what he did." she became a bit emotional there. A tear escaping down her cheek.

Syvar nodded as he followed up on the given orders. As he passed the beautiful white feline with eyes that matched his own, he gently patted her arm. "They'll be alright eventually," he promised, "I've been where they are, and I was in worse shape too... And the captain is very resilient."

He moved over to the captain and pressed the hypospray against his throat. "We'll get you back on your feet in no time sir," he promised, before moving over to the others.

C'Tora made a quick incision at the base of the neck, the agonizer was a simple extraction. " There you are Captain, you are now free of this cursed device. " As he held up the agonizer and then placed it in a tray. " Give me about ninety seconds with the dermal regenerator and the incision will be healed. There we go, and not even a scar. Now if you'll excuse me for a moment ihave one more agonizer to remove and get back one more medical personal to help out in here. " He turned and looked at M'Tara. " M'Tara if you'd kindly sit down I'll begin and get that agonizer out of you and then you can help out where needed. "

"Much appreciated doc," Jon said looking down at his chest.

M'Tara smiled at her 'twin' Syvar. " Hello Cousin, and I am sorry that happened to you." walking over towards the bio bed, and taking a seat. "I won't ask but, that is just horrid having that happen." she frowned at that thought.

Syvar smiled brightly at the 'cousin' part. "Don't worry about it," he suggested, "it happened, and I can relate to how you all feel. I'm coping well enough right now, thanks to my beloved wife, and my friends." He looked back at the curtained off area. "Speaking of which....when you're all feeling better I believe we have someone to introduce to you. Our daughter, Aethra."

While M'Tara and Syvar talked, C'Tora made an incision and removed the agonizer and dropped it into the pan holding the Captain's agonizer. " Syvar, while your talking to my wife would you be kind enough to close the wound with the auto suture please? I need to get back to the Captain and get him healed. "

C'Tora came over and picked up a hypo and fitted a vial into it, it hissed as it touched Jon's neck. " There you go, a bit of tetrovaline to mask any discomfort during the procedure. " He placed the surgical support frame over Jon. " This is going to take and hour or two to get you fixed up, and after that you'll be on light duty for the next two days. " C'Tora began working on repairs to the nerves and muscle groups that were affected. " Oh and while I've got your attention Captain, Could we please prohibit the use of laser pointers during department briefings? " Following with a softer comment. " Besides it's far too distracting. "

Syvar once again turned to M'Tara and smiled. "It'll be done in a few seconds he promised.

"Thank you Cousin, I am much obliged." M'tara smiling at the gentle care Syvar was taking, she was glad to be back home, with her tribe.


Commander Amelia Fox
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

Ensign Syvar
Medical Officer
pnpc Aidan

Lieutenant Michael Hawkins
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda.

Ensign M'Tara Kuroka
Medical Officer
pnpc Michael Hawkins

Ensign Victor Traconis
Security Officer
pnpc Michael Hawkins

Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda

Ensign Adam Morgan


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