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Back to Reality Part 2

Posted on 14 May 2023 @ 6:12pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews & Lieutenant JG Riley Ames

Mission: Through the looking glass
Location: Bridge
1739 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure


"Curious," the women who had identified herself as Eris said walking forward past the Caitian being.

"This universes version of you summons me back to life and then you try to activate the gateways," she stopped in front of Datari. "I sensed it immediately. Jumping away from looking at you to well looking at you,"

Jon shook his head as if it would make the smoke he had inhaled escaped his hazy brain.

"There's something vaguely familiar about you," he said confused.

"They erased my existence best they could but the genetic memory still lives," she said.

Jon shot Illeyna a look. "Are you another goddess?"

She merely smiled at him continuing up to the science station.

"Ahh one of the off shoot races. I always did like the spots," she smiled reaching out and running a finger over his cheek. "Very sexy. Everyone always assumes we are beyond such things but I assure you no matter how evolved the race, you still need to procreate."

The Trill shivered involuntarily as his spots were brushed. "I would prefer not to be touched," he said while holding his breath. "Who and what are you?" He cast concerned eyes towards Ileyana. "And what is happening to them."

Riley was trying to keep his head in the game but the smoke from the joint that was being utilized, was permeating the air and he could feel it giving him a slight buzz, all the colors the beautiful woman that appeared, "Woah, you are one gorgeous lady." he remarked to Eris.

The moment was broken with the unmistakable snoring emanating from Ileyana who had managed to sprawl herself across the Captains chair, her head lolling over the arm rest and her hair falling free to the floor.

Cassie sidestepped to Ileyana and forcefully thumped her shoulder, causing the unconscious Betazoid to readjust and quell the sounds of slumber.

With the appearance of this 'Eris' Harper had began to move down from the top level of the bridge and closer to where she could act if necessary. Goddess or not she would stand between her and the crew. "I think you should keep your hands to yourself." she said keeping herself quite guarded as she moved closer to Jon.

C'Tora pulled out his medical tricorder and began makin a scan of this newly arrived being. " Hmm... This is interesting. I'm not getting much in the way of readings from her. " He looked up at the Goddess. " Excuse me, But of what species are you? I am rather curious to know. " He stroked his chin briefly. " That and I am also curious to know what you'd be able to tell us of these ship transport gates if you don't mind. " He asked in a polite and friendly tone.

She turned round and looked the alien over. "Unlikely its on your list but some call us Goddesses. We certainly have history with their species," she pointed at Jon and the clearly now unconscious woman.

"This one doesn't want to be touched," she laughed at the Trill.

"That one," she indicated Riley, "Would like nothing more to touch me. You my beautiful kitty want nothing more than to prod and poke me in the name of science.

Your Captain, his double here well his thoughts are certainly more fun and inpure .... but he doesn't have .... " she smiled and turned on Harper ..... "You. I mean he has one of your kind but not you.

"This one is grieving and so tightly wound," she looked in Cassies direction. "Oh oh you met an old acquaintance of mine."

Cassie was caught by surprise and a wave of anxiety at yet another telepathic being again touching her mind, not an experience she wanted to go through again.

It hadn't set in Riley's mind just exactly what Eris was talking about, he was so enraptured by the lady at the moment.

"Which one of them have you interacted with?" she demanded looking round again her eyes flashing. My amusement wans and It reaks of one of my sisters. Your not technologically advanced enough to take on those things alone. You had help."

"I heard tell there was someone named Methalina." Riley replied, he had heard from Michael about the Goddess, "I don't know if I have pronounced the name correctly of if I am remembering right." the new chief engineer commented. "Heard she was a right beauty, much like you. Would you like to go out on a date?" he was feeling the effects of that drug even more, the captain had been smoking.

She seemed to turn darker, the air around suddenly heavier. "Of course one of the ones who imprisoned me."

As soon as it happened the environment passed back to normal. She walked up to this human and pulled his face right to hers kissing him. "You deliver a message for me and maybe I might just let you have that date,"

Never before had Riley been kissed by a Goddess, of course he had kissed someone who he thought was a goddess due to her looks but, this kiss rocked his world nay rocked his universe! He felt drunk, and high, and oh my. "Eris my darling, give me that message and I'll give it to whomever you are needing." his Scottish accent coming out just a bit more. Seductive and smooth as well.

Jon's mouth dropped. In his hazy head he just managed to get out "Lieutenant that is NOT appro .... its not .... Not on the bridge."

She ignored him. Ignored everyone. "You tell that bitch Methalina that I am coming for her. And I will be regrouping the rest. Busting them out of the other cages. And YOU, you pretty little half breed ......... always having to pop up ..... ....."

She let him go and walked directly up to the Blonde woman, "Well you tell your stinking lot that they BETTER pick the right side this time."

Rlley slumped back into his chair, his senses reeling from the influence of the kiss and the joint, the Captain and others were smoking, "Oh I am feeling very good right now." he slurred out, "Okay message received and will deliver." he murmured. It barely registered as to what the Captain was trying to say. "Oh no captain that sort of thing is better behind closed doors." giving a hiccup and a giggle.

"You need to step back." Harper huffed at this supposed Goddess. For some reason she did not fear her, in fact her body was telling her to push back on this woman's attitude. "My people are from Earth, my parents are Human and that's all I need to know." she deflected of course. Harper was more conflicted than ever now.

C'Tora was curious about this newcomer, but he didn't like the sudden change in attitude that flickered and changed like a sudden summer storm. He kept his eyes on the tricorder and was scanning and recording everyone on the bridge and paying close attention to the environmental readings as well, just to err on the side of caution. For the moment he would watch and wait.

"Anyway, are we going to be losing anymore people today or, can we just go home?" Riley starting to get a little bit weirded out. He had seen the video and this was really starting to give him the heebie, jeebies. "Look, we got the message, we'll deliver it." he was starting to feel like he had gotten hold of some rather bad alcohol, and was starting to feel sick to his stomach. "Erm does anyone have a... barf bag?" Riley looking rather greenish in hue.

"Oh you can go home, I'll send you home but deliver my message," she stated. "And you need to dig deeper," she addressed Harper once more. "So go dig. Adios."

She disappeared and suddenly their systems started up, The gateway whirling into life. Jon took a command decision, "Take us into the gate,"

When the goddess whatever she was left, Riley's nausea faded away. He went to look at his console then his head snapped towards the view screen. "Son of a bitch, I didn't get to do final check up!" his eyes flashed over towards Reynolds. "Captain, your yacht has been launched without permission!" As they were sucked in through the gate that would take them back home.

C'Tora looked at Riley. " If your going to be sick, please use the refresher around the corner. " He then to begin to take medical readings of everyone on the bridge just in case so he could compare them to the baseline readings against known crew records to make sure there were no side effects. " If any of you feel unusual or a bit off after this, report to sickbay Immediately. " With that he departed the bridge.

Riley gave a nod towards the Doctor, as the large Caitian headed off the bridge. "Yup almost forgot about that fact. we have that nearby."

Allisara sat at the helm and looked straight ahead at the now active gate before them. " Aye Captain! " She responded. " Course laid in and entering the gateway at one half impulse speed. " As the ship approached the gate the surface looked like a silver shimmering liquid that slowly engulfed the ship little by little as it entered. Suddenly it appeared as if the ship were racing along in a silver liquid tunnel with golden balls of light that streaked ahead of them, and then just as sudden they were in normal space. " Captain I am detecting federation navigational beacons. " Reported Allisara.

Harper had moved back up to her console overwatching the lower bridge. She frowned and scrunched her nose at what she had seen, what she may have missed during all the fun with Mystic Meg earlier. "The Captain's yacht is gone." her hands glided over the console as she tried to pinpoint when and who. "I'm trying to find out who launched it but they've scrambled the codes. I'll need to decrypt the sensors and computer... but it didn't follow us through the gate..."

Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Allisara Glavien
Acting Chief Flight Officer
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant JG Harper Matthews
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda

Captain Jonathan Reynolds
CO, USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins
Ships Councellor
USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Ileyana Haistro
Science Officer
USS Andromeda - PNPC Higgins

Lieutenant JG Riley Ames
Chief Engineer
USS Andromeda


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